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 Quick Links:
 • Home
 • Essays
 • Teaching
 • Sitemap

 Course Pages:
 • German 101
 • German 102
 • German 203
 • German 204
Hello and welcome.

I'm your host and webmaster, Nancy Thuleen. This site collects a number of my primary interests, most of which involve German language and literature, with an emphasis on teaching materials and on the various essays I've written over the past ten years.

If you've visited here before, you'll doubtless notice the major update to both the design and content of this site. Please let me know what you think of the new layout, and if you find any errors or misdirected links, I'd very much appreciate it if you'd let me know. I do code all by hand, so I know there are some errors that slip by from time to time, and I'd very much appreciate any corrections or suggestions.

If you haven't been here before, then welcome, and enjoy your look around. The clickable words in the logo bar above will lead you to various areas of the site, and I've also listed some frequently-accessed sections in the sidebar on the left.

Many people land here after finding snippets of my writings in a search engine. My essays on German Literature (along with a few on other topics) are collected under the WRITE tab. The READ tab will take you to some information about my favorite authors and a list of the books I own.

A major update is currently taking place under the TEACH tab, since I've found that many teachers and students land here hoping to use my German-language teaching materials. If that's what you're interested in, please do take a look, but be aware that it's in a state of revision at the moment.

Finally, the other tabs should be self-explanatory: LEARN explains what I study and what my academic pursuits are, while PLAY shows off my less academic interests and hobbies (including my cat). Last but not least, I've added in a SITEMAP to help you navigate if you get lost.

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