3. September -- Dienstag
Announcements This is German 101 (in English)
Take Roll any problems? get names of new students, grads, etc.
Switch to German, with short preface about not scaring them away
Darf ich mich vorstellen?
Overview, Introduction : wir machen heute Namen . wir haben hier ein Dialog zwischen Thomas und Melanie, 2 Studenten neue Studenten an der Uni, genau wie euch
on board to clarify the dialog
Prime, Preparation Vokabular : (auf der Tafel) Guten Tag! / Guten Morgen!
(ask if they know what it means)Wie heißt du? / Wie ist dein Name?
- alle zusammen Ich heiße ____. / Mein Name ist _____. then choral, in parts, ask individuals Woher kommst du?
Aus _______.
Also, Thomas und Melanie sprechen zu einander: (I read aloud, two times)
Thomas: Guten Tag! (use HANDSHAKE to illustrate) Melanie: Guten Tag! Ich heiße Melanie Fischer. Wie heißt du? Thomas: Ich heiße Thomas Meyer. Melanie: Freut mich, Thomas. Woher kommst du? Thomas: Aus Hamburg. Und du? Melanie: Aus Berlin.
ein zweites Mal. Dann: habt ihr verstanden?
Fragen : Woher kommt Thomas? (Hamburg) Wer kommt aus Berlin? (Melanie) Woher kommt Melanie? (Berlin) Wie heißt die Frau? Kommt Melanie aus Hamburg? (Nein) Wie heißt der Mann?
Drill, Practice: read aloud, have them repeat in choral, then in sections (half, then men/women, etc.) then in pairs, have them perform (several pairs)
Start to erase some important words, have pairs perform it without looking finally the most important parts are erased
Check and Expansion: Gut! Jetzt machen wir aber Realität . In der Realität: Ich hei§e Nancy Thuleen. Wie heißt du? (and HANDSHAKE ) (ask a couple people) Und ich komme aus San Diego. Woher kommst du? (6x to different students) dann: frag sie/ihn, wer sie/er ist und wo sie/er herkommt (wie in dem Dialog) have lots of pairs ask
Dann, Fragen: Kommst du aus Madison? Heißt du Johannes? Wer kommt aus Michigan? etc.
Pair work activity: explain in English get up and walk around the classroom, introducing yourselves to as many people as possible, using the dialog forms. You have 3 minutes.
Then switch back to English. Habt ihr verstanden? Is it pretty easy? Remember these for tomorrow, we'll be coming back to them and doing a lot more interesting things.
Now, course basics, some administrative things.
Introduce ME! Nancy Thuleen, Office: Van Hise 847, Office Hours Tues 12-1,Wed 1-2, aba also, if needed, Professor James, 810 Van Hise
Syllabus : you'll receive a rough guide to the semester's coverage in email, probably within the next week. This is for ALL of the students taking German 101, not just our little section, so of course it will vary slightly from our actual timetable. Too early for dates yet, not laid in stone, but there are two important ones that you should write down on your calendars: Midterm (Six-week exam): 9 October Final : 19 December 12:25 also ORAL exams with both of these tests Material to be covered: through chapter 7 in the textbook
Which brings us to: Books , course materials Been to the bookstore?
- Textbook. (2nd edition)
- Workbook
- Lab manual.
all required, you will use all of them on a daily basis. yes, expensive, but they will last you BOTH semesters, not just one. Recommended: Dictionary. It can be fun, too! (Show them, pass it around)
Language Lab . (see handouts) explain a little .... mostly for you to learn pronunciation and comprehension, and to give you access to many different native speakers of German. You are responsible for what's in the lab manual; it complements what we're covering in class, and I'll try to let you know where you should be at from time to time, but in general it's your responsibility to keep up with it. I will periodically check to see if you've been going to the lab, so don't simply shrug it off, as it could really hurt you in the long run. Lab manuals will be collected weekly or so. For this week, you can start with the Introduction (Einführung), it covers the basic introductions like we've been doing today. Don't get too far ahead of the class though, unless you really feel motivated. :)
Course Structure : In addition to the midterm and final, there will be weekly quizzes, mostly on Fridays. Very short! Only 10-15 minutes ... Not just vocab, but grammar and important concepts from the week's lessons. I also reserve the right to give pop quizzes, but I know you don't like them, and I don't care much for them either, so as long as we all keep up with the work and such, it shouldn't be a problem. All in all, these quizzes will make up between 10 and 15 percent of your final grade, so while they are important, if you do badly on one you haven't ruined your chance at an A.
Homework ? Yes. Perhaps not every single day, but there will always be the assignment to prepare for the next day's lesson, and there will often be written assignments as well (mostly from the workbook or other sources). I will collect and check the written homework, and it will count toward your final grade, so please put some time into it and make your best effort at doing it well.
By far the most important part of your grade is CLASS PERFORMANCE . Attendance is mandatory, not just being here but being on time as well. Unlike high school, there are no "excused" absences here ... of course if you're dying, don't come, but on the whole you need to be here every day to learn and take part in the day's events. After all, you're paying a lot of money to take this class, so you'd best make the most of it! :) There are 72 class periods this semester, which means that you can miss 0-5 and still have an "A" in attendance. As for class performance, you will be graded on your participation in class, not just the quantity of it, but the quality as well.
Any questions? (see next sheet if lots of time left), otherwise: Study these phrases tonight, we'll be coming back to them tomorrow. read and learn pp. 1-5, do WB Akt 1, and start Lab Akt 1-2 if you want tomorrow we'll continue with introductions and learn the German alphabet
If still a lot of time:
Why are you taking this class? (in English) Requirement? Relatives? Had German before?
do you know of any other German greetings? (Hallo! Grüß dich. Grüß Gott! Servus!)
(if LOTS and LOTS of time) schauen wir uns ein paar andere Dialoge an Seite 2 im Buch -- ein Dialog zwischen ein Tennis-Trainer und drei Tennis-Spieler read through, do they notice anything different? explain du/Sie contrast
17. September -- Dienstag
Tafelbild :
Hausaufgaben:ich lerne wir lernenDienstag Lab: S. 20 Akt. 3-5 du lernst ihr lernt Verben: Präsens Text: read and prepare p. 31 er Informationen read p. 39, do Übung 8 sie lernt sie lernen erfragen finish Worksheet es Sie
11:00 Take roll Hand back quizzes Collect Homework Announcements: Office Hours tomorrow between 2 and 3 (not 1-2), is that okay with people?
Go over common mistakes on test: CAPITALIZATION: remind them ("what gets capitalized?) SPELLING: probably the biggest single problem Telef on (not 'ph') Numm er (not 'mb') schlech t (not schlect) hunder t (not hundret) Postleitzahl! ei vs. ie (do they have any good memory aids?) 11:05 VERBS "ich lerne Deutsch," right? go around room, asking them to fill in the chart on the board. then drill some good vocabulary verbs in conjugations: spielen reisen machen then ask for German equivalents, and continue conjugating: to live to work to hike to talk ask them to say a few simple sentences: I play tennis ("I'm playing tennis" -- explain that they're the same in German) You play tennis. Are you playing tennis? We're talking. He's waiting. She's visiting her mother. You're staying here. It costs a lot. Do you live in Madison?
11:10 do Analyse, S. 37 explain the use of "infinitive" note the use of the present tense in German to mean many different English things.
11:15 Check and go over Homework: Übung 6, S. 38. Go around class and have them read answers.
11:20 Start worksheet: Singular versus Plural Do the first section together, asking for volunteers who know the answers. Don't let a few individuals take over the whole activity! Do the second part as Partnerarbeit, let them have a little time to work on it Then go over a few of them, ask if they have questions. 11:25 Return to Dialog, S. 27 Have them read aloud in pairs, make sure they've understood and remember vocab. Correct pronunciation if necessary (and drill in chorus if it's a consistent problem.)
11:30 do Analyse, S. 28 explain difference between STUDIEREN vs. LERNEN
11:35 Referring back to the dialog, do brainstorming on board to find out:
Frau Lentz Quizmaster Helmut Julie heißt Gertraud heißt Dieter Nachname: Nachname: Harrison aus Augsburg Selinsky Sachs aus Cincinnati, OH ist Architektin studiert Physik lernt Deutsch Hobbys: Reisen, bleibt 2 Semester Lesen in Deutschland findet Berlin interessant
11:43 do Aktivität 5, S. 29: Fragen und Antworten do together, asking for volunteers
11:46 do Aktivität 8, S. 30 explain directions: they should mark "logisch" or "unlogisch" play tape once (unless a second time seems necessary)
11:50 Explain HOMEWORK : WB: none Lab: S. 20 Akt. 3-5 Text: read and prepare p. 31 read p. 39, do Übung 8 finish Worksheet (reverse has matching exercise)
20. September -- Freitag
11:00 Take Roll
Review for Quiz:
VERBS: when do you add an "-e-" before the "-t" or "-st" ending? after d and t and consonant clusters: e.g. redet, arbeitest, antwortet so, tell me what the conjugated forms of these verbs are: bleiben: er? du? ich? ihr? finden gehen kosten wandern sagen suchen tanzen studieren
PRONOUNS: be careful of how you answer questions: "Was machst du?" --> "Ich lerne Deutsch." "Was macht ihr?" --> "Wir lernen Deutsch." "Was machen sie?" --> "Sie lernen Deutsch." Marianne und Julianne = SIE (therefore "M und J tanzen sehr gut.") Meine Mutter und ich = WIR (therefore "Meine M und ich reden viel.") Du und deine Freundin = IHR (therefore "Du und deine F seid traurig.")
Answering questions with pronouns: Wie ist der Professor? --> ER ist nett. Wie findest du das Buch? --> ES ist gut. Wie findest du die Stadt? --> SIE ist schön.
note: WER is a third person singular pronoun, just like ER. Therefore: wer spielt?
11:10 Quiz
11:30 WORD ORDER (S. 40)
In a declarative sentence, the conjugated verb is always in SECOND position.
VERB Ich besuche meine Freunde. Heute besuche ich meine Freunde. Morgen besuche ich meine Freunde. Meine Freunde besuche ich morgen.
Common word order is (1): Subject - Verb - Adverb - Object. Inverted (but also common) is (2): Adverb - Verb - Subject - Object. Sometimes heard is (3): Object - Verb - Subject - Adverb. Mostly used for emphasis.
11:35 do Übung 10, S. 40. have them each make sentences, then go around room and hear what they say 11:40 Explain further points of adverb placement:
if adverb is not at the beginning of the sentence, then it MUST be before place:
Wir besuchen heute das Museum. Wir gehen jetzt nach Hause. Ich höre oft Musik. Du machst jetzt deine Hausaufgaben in deinem Zimmer.
11:45 Use sentence cards in front of class. (I had made up large cards on construction paper with elements from sentences, e.g. ICH and GEHE and JETZT and IN DIE SCHULE. There were about 6 total sentences, all jumbled up; I passed them out randomly (one to each student), and the students had to get together to form grammatically correct sentences.)
HAUSAUFGABEN: WB: S. 23-28 all LAB: S. 26-27 all Text: lernt S. 40-42 Übung 11 und 13
30. September -- Montag
Tafelbild :
Hausaufgaben : WB: S. 33-34 Akt. 4-5 Essen macht mir Spaß. Montag : Lab: S. 36-37 Akt. 5-6 Text: read S. 65-68 Ja, ich sehe gern Filme. Was macht dir Spaß? do Übung 6 Nein, ich sehe nicht gern Filme. Was machst du gern? Worksheet
11:00 Warm Up:
Wie gehtÕs? Ask around room.
Was macht dir Spa§? Macht Essen dir Spaß? Macht Kochen dir Spaß?
Essen macht mir Spaß. Kochen macht mir Spaß.
Wie kann man das anders sagen?
Ich esse gern. Ich koche gern.
Siehst du gern Filme? Ja, ich sehe gern Filme. Nein, ich sehe nicht gern Filme.
Fischt du gern? Spielst du gern Karten? I§t du gern Eis? 11:05 S. 57: Was wir gern machen. go through this in German -- they match the captions with the drawings. Do this together in class, with volunteers calling out answers. Explain any needed vocabulary and try to explain the puns on the names ("Frau Schlemmer ißt gern," etc.)
11:10 S. 58: Was machen Sie gern? read over the possible answers with them "was heißt Witz auf Englisch?" (Klopf-Klopf, wer ist da? as a hint to answer)
macht einen Kreuz neben drei Sachen auf der Liste, die ihr gern macht. z.B. ich höre gern Musik, ich schwimme gern, und ich schreibe gern Briefe. Was machst du gern? get 4-5 good answers from individuals. Was machst du nicht gern?
explain paradigm: the verb endings stay the same, but the stem changes its vowel for the second and third person singular forms this is very common and needs to be memorized! which forms change? Write on board: SCHLAFEN
ich schlafe wir schlafen du schläfst ihr schlaft er sie schläft sie schlafen es Sie
S. 69 Übung 9 -- they had done this as homework. go through together (auf deutsch!)
11:20 S. 59 Akt. 7: Zwei Leipziger read through the handwritten info with them, because it's hard to decipher the script then ask the questions, calling on individual students to answer
11:30 Treasure-Hunt sheets explain in English: they need to find people who fit the descriptions, and they can't repeat the same person in more than one blank. The person with the most blanks at the end wins. let them have enough time to mill around the room and find people correct question phrasings if needed, but don't really interfere
then have them read out their answers in the er/sie form. (winner gets candy).
11:45 Depending on time: picture worksheet activity -- gather vocabulary needed:
Rad fahren Ski laufen Rollschuh laufen fernsehen
or hand out Trockene Sätze worksheet for homework
11:50 Give back Quizzes
Hausaufgaben: WB: S. 33-34 Akt. 4-5 Lab: S. 36-37 Akt. 5-6 Text: read S. 65-68 do Übung 6 Worksheet 15. Oktober -- Dienstag
Hausaufgaben : Dienstag WB: S. 52, Akt.6 Akkusativ: S. 53-56, Üb. 2-5 Personalpronomen Lab: S. 54-55, Akt. 8-9 Präpositionen S. 56-58, Üb. 3-6 Text: read/learn S. 96-97 Worksheet
11:00 Review DATES : Welches Datum haben wir heute? Welches Datum ist morgen? gestern? Welches Datum ist Valentinstag? Halloween? Neujahr? Silvester? Weihnachten? Wann hast du Geburtstag? (ask quite a few people)
explain and review a little, and put on board:
ich --> mich wir --> uns du --> dich ihr --> euch er --> ihn sie --> sie sie --> sie Sie --> Sie es --> es
Drill by asking for responses: Siehst du die Tür? Siehst du den Tisch? Siehst du die Wand? Hast du das Buch? Hast du deinen Bleistift? Hast du die Tasche? Brauchst du dieses Papier? Brauchst du den Kuli? Hast du deinen Bruder / deine Schwester gern? Hast du deine Jacke? Hast du deinen Rücksack? Siehst du die Tafel? Siehst du das Fenster? Siehst du den Stuhl?
11:10 do Analyse, S. 91 identify all the pronouns together, and say which case they're in do they know what all the phrases mean?
11:12 S. 92, Übung 4 have them work together in pairs or groups, filling in the correct pronouns then go over the answers together
11:25 S. 92, Übung 5: Wie findest du ...? Partnerarbeit: they should each ask at least 3 questions and give three answers
11:35 S. 93 ACCUSATIVE PREPOSITIONS read through book's description with them
durch für gegen ohne um
go over Übung 6 (S. 94) together -- they had done this as homework 11:45 Geschenke : Übung 7, S. 94 do together, they decide who gets what, make sure cases are correct
If there's still a lot of time left over:
Birthday cards and greetings, S. 86-87 read through several, then have them write their own birthday card (as hw?)
Hausaufgaben : WB: S. 52, Akt.6: S. 53-56, Üb. 2-5 Lab: S. 54-55, Akt. 8-9 S. 56-58, Üb. 3-6 Text: read/learn S. 96-97 Worksheet
16. Oktober -- Mittwoch
11:00 Take Roll Announcements
Introduce WISSEN and KENNEN S. 96 talk through the explanation and examples in the book mention comparisons to saber/conocer and savoir/connaître in Spanish, French
Then ask questions to individual students:
Kennst du: den Film Pulp Fiction ? Himmel über Berlin (Wings of Desire )? Das Boot ? die Band REM? Underworld? Pearl Jam? Regent-Straße? State-Straße? Chicago? NewYork? Mandy? Joe? Arnold Schwarzenegger? Stephen King? Ella's Deli? B-Side Records? etc.
Wei§t du: meine Telefonnummer? ihre/seine Telefonnumer? Adresse? meinen Namen? deinen Namen? ihren/seinen Namen? wie sie heißt? wo sie wohnt? wann die Klasse beginnt? wann ich Geburtstag habe? etc.
11:10 S. 96 Übung 10 play tape twice -- make sure they know what to do go over answers together
11:15 S. 97 Übung 11 in groups / pairs -- fill in the blanks with wissen or kennen then go over the answers together
11:25 S. 97 Übung 12 each student should write at least 6 original questions: 3 with kennen, 3 with wissen then go around room and have students ask each other their questions
11:35 Stammbaum-Activity (see attached) Have students work in groups of 6-7. They each get to be a person on the family tree (e.g. Georg Baumann, etc). Then they have to piece together the whole of the family tree by reading the information on their own cards and asking each other for further information. Allow some English, but they have a good vocabulary in this area, so it shouldn't be too hard.
11:50 if still time: holidays and birthdays, S. 86-87.
Hausaufgaben : WB: S. 56-57 Übung 6-7 S. 58-59 Lesen/Schreiben Lab: S. 59-61 Übung 7-9 Text: S. 101 Akt 2 (write at least 50 words) 23. Oktober -- Mittwoch
11:00 Review, Warm Up: Wann stehst du auf? Wann wachst du auf? Wann frƒhstƒckst du? Wann kommst du in die Schule? Wann gehst du nach Hause? Wann schläfst du ein? 11:05 UHRZEIT , S. 112 (with cardboard clock) go over times, and drill a lot of them with the clock.
also note vocabulary: Sekunde - Minute - Stunde 11:10 S. 113, Akt. 5 play tape once, have them underline the times they hear
11:15 do Analyse, S. 113 answer questions together do they 'get' the joke?
11:17 S. 114, Akt. 6 Go over some more times of day, make sure they're pretty solidly ingrained.
11:20 Expressions of regularity, S. 110 (Sprach-Tip ) montags, etc. as compared to am Montag
general time before specific time: Ich komme heute abendum sieben Uhr vorbei. Use Akt. 2, S. 111 -- Jankas Stundenplan have students ask each other, going around the room in a chain of questions: Was hat Janka mittwochs um acht? Was hat Janka donnerstags um 8.50? etc.
11:25 Stundenplan Activity use the schedules they had filled out as homework to ask each other questions Partner-Arbeit -- they need to find a free time between the two of them to meet and have coffee together (for an hour or so)
11:30 MODALS , S. 122 read through explanation with them emphasize: Modal goes in SECOND position, infinitive goes at the end (the sentence bracket) go over the examples also note the use of mchten alone and point out the common practive of dropping gehen Ich will nach Hause. do Analyse, S. 124 identify all the modals in the captions, then make sure they understand the meanings
11:40 Übung 6, S. 124 play tape twice then go over correct answers
11:45 Übung 7, S. 125 go around the room and have each student build a sentence out of the suggestions
11:50 Talk about Quiz: Quiz will have: - time - separable prefix verbs - modals - vocabulary!
COLLECT HOMEWORK (Übung 8, S. 124)
Hausaufgaben : WB: S. 66-67 Akt. 3-4 S. 72-73 Üb. 3-4 Lab: S. 70-72 Akt. 4-6 S. 75-76 Üb. 3-5 Worksheet: Mit 13, mit 15 ....
4. November -- Montag
11:00 Review: Welches Datum haben wir heute? Es ist fast Winter, ja? Hast du Winter gern? Wie ist das Wetter heute? Hast du den Schnee gern?
Wann stehst du auf ? Wann frƒhstƒckst du? Wann kommst du an die Uni? Wie viele Kursen hast du? Wann gehst du nach Hause?
Erzähle mir einiges über deinen Tagesablauf! (have four or five students give a short narration)
Wir fangen jetzt Kapitel 5 an -- und ich versuche jetzt, NUR auf deutsch zu reden. Ihr sollt auch versuchen, auf deutsch zu sprechen!
11:10 S. 139: Hertie directory make sure they understand what it is, talk a little about German stores then go through exercise A together
S. 140: exercise B: Ansagen im Kaufhaus play tape twice, give them time to think a little
11:20 Kleidungsstücke use Pam's cards to drill the most common items, with genders
do Thema 1: Was hast du zu Hause in deinem Kleiderschrank?
11:25 do Analyse , S. 141 which for boys? which for girls?
talk about compound nouns
have them pick the compound nouns out of the text then have them make their own compounds from the list
11:30 S. 141, Akt. 1: Was tr...gst du gewhnlich? Model my answer: Ich trage gewhnlich Jeans und ein Hemd - aber kein T-Shirt. Ich trage manchmal auch einen Pullover.
Was tr...gst du?
then do the activity: what to wear in each situation have students choose 5 situations and write down what they would wear for each then go around room and compare answers
11:40 Sprach-Tip, S. 141: ES GIBT and BEI on board:
Es gibtbei Hertie viele schöne Sachen. Wo gibt es schicke Blusen? - bei Kaufhof.
11:45 S. 142, Akt. 2: Ich brauche neue Bekleidung. go around room asking for responses
Hausaufgaben: WB: S. 79-83 Akt. 1 Lab: S. 79-85 Akt 1-3 Text: lest S. 151-154 Analyse S. 154 to hand in
6. November -- Mittwoch
Tafelbild :
Hausaufgaben : Mittwoch WB: S. 83-84 Akt. 2-3 S. 89 Übung 4 Bekleidung kaufen Lab: S. 85-86 Akt. 4-6 Was gefällt dir? S. 91 Übung 4 Was paßt dir? Text: S. 145 Ak. 6 + 8 Was steht dir gut? review dative pronouns
11:00 Warm Up:
Was tr...gst du heute? Was tr...gt er / sie? Was tr...gt man im Sommer? im Winter? Was tr...gt man in die Kirche? Was tragt man, wenn man tanzen geht?
11:05 S. 143, Dialog
Preparation: talk about picture: wo sind sie? was machen sie? was macht er? etc.
Introduce new vocabulary by acting the words out or describing them in German
neu = nicht alt Gr§e = klein oder groß, S, M, L, XL, Nummern, etc. Farbe = point at chart: rot, weiß, orange, etc. wie gef...llt es Ihnen? = wie finden Sie das? Antwort: Ach ja, es gefällt mir sehr gut, ich finde es schön modisch = schick, gut, schön die Farbe steht mir nicht gut = in dieser Farbe sehe ich nicht gut aus, ich soll diese Farbe nicht tragen (z.B. Rot steht mir nicht) anprobieren = bevor man etwas kauft, probiert man es an, um zu sehen, ob es paßt, ob man es will ntig = man muß es tun es pa§t mir = es ist die richtige Größe, es ist nicht zu klein und nicht zu groß zahlen = Geld für etwas ausgeben, wenn man es kauft (z.B. es kostet 5 Mark, ich zahle 5 Mark dafür)
Listen to dialog on tape
Have students role-play it out, at least 2 pairs
11:15 do S. 143, Akt. 4 together ask for volunteers to fill in the blanks 11:20 Sprach-Tip, S. 145
explain the use of gefallen and passen with dative case
then go around room, using Tina's "suitcase o' clothes" -- Gef...llt die dieses Hemd? Gefallen dir diese Schuhe? Pa§t ihr das Sweatshirt? Steht mir diese Farbe?
11:25 S. 145, Akt 7 - Wer tr...gt was? have students write a description of what someone in the class is wearing, without saying who it is. Then read their descriptions and have students guess who it was. My example: Diese Person tr...gt ein T-Shirt und Jeans. Das Sweatshirt ist wei§ mit etwas Orange. Er tr...gt auch eine Mƒtze; sie ist blau. Er tr...gt Tennisschuhe. Wer ist das?
walk through the description in the book
go through Übung 4 (S. 157) together
11:40 S. 157 Übung 5 have them work in pairs then go over the correct answers together and have them act out the mini-dialogues
If extra time: S. 145, Akt. 6: Farben und Größen Welche Farbe ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? etc.
Talk about Quiz: Vocabulary will cover clothing, shopping, colors, and verbs, but NOT food items!
Hausaufgaben: WB: S. 83-84 Akt. 2-3 S. 89 Übung 4 Lab: S. 85-86 Akt. 4-6 S. 91 Übung 4 Text: S. 145 Ak. 6 + 8 (written!) review dative pronouns
13. November -- Mittwoch
11:00 Take Roll
Announcements: Talk about a second midterm: do they want one? Possible solutions:
- have a major quiz next Friday, covering a lot of review material?
- have a normal quiz, then spend Thanksgiving week reviewing, and maybe I
could hand out a practice exam that would count as homework?
- just continue working ahead, and finish a little early so that we have a lot of
time to do a good review before the final
Take a rough vote as to what they'd like to do (or do they have other suggestions?)
11:05 S. 160: WO, WOHIN, WOHER go over with them
Übung 11, S. 161 (was homework) go over together as a whole class
Übung 12, S. 161 have them work in pairs, offering my help when needed then go over as a class
11:20 Worksheets
First, hand out review charts for all the cases, and explain it
DATIVE CASE for indirect objects, dative verbs, and dative prepositions
review the explanation of the dative case, and offer some examples
teach Blue Danube song for the dative prepostions
Have them come up with the German equivalents for:
(indirect objects:) I'll tell you a story / a joke. Can you show me a jacket? I'm writing my parents a letter. She's giving him a second chance.
(dative verbs:) I thank you for the present. Can you help me? The dress fits her. It looks good on you. The book belongs to me. The book belongs to my sister. GEFALLEN -- special note about how to use it (tricky sometimes): I like the coat. ("The coat is pleasing to me.") She likes the weather here. Do you like this class?
(prepositions:) She lives with her parents. She lives together with her friend. (Point out the difference between "bei" and "mit") After work we're going dancing. I'm going home now. We've had cold weather for a week.
11:30 Worksheet : do section I note word order on board:
Ich gebe dem Lehrer dieses Buch.
for sections I and II, they should work together in pairs
then go over together and answer any questions
11:45 If time: Übung 10 S. 160 "Seit wann" in chain of questions, students ask each other.
Hausaufgaben : WB: finish Kap. 6 Lab: finish Kap. 6 Text: review food vocabulary Worksheet: finish sections II-V 20. November -- Mittwoch
11:00 Announcements : Work Abroad -- presentation on Sunday (pass around flyer) Late Homework Deadline THIS FRIDAY
Collect Homework (and remark that I'm missing quite a bit from some people)
Use actions and demonstrations to make the distinction clear: Objects: die Tasse das Buch der Handschuh die Schlüssel die Tasche das Papier der Bleistift die Papiere
Demonstrate by putting objects on the table in different positions, between items, on top of items, etc. Also use myself, walk in the door, up to the table, to the window, sit at the table, etc. Have the students describe what I'm doing.
11:10 go over homework: Cat Pictures Worksheet have them read answers for each of the cats
11:15 S. 185: HÄNGEN, LIEGEN, SITZEN, STEHEN -- used with dative case go over desciption and examples in book
Übung 6 (was homework) -- go over together, have students read aloud
11:20 S. 185 Übung 5: Idylle im Park have students make sentences to describe picture
11:25 Use map on S. 184 and ask the students questions: Wo ist das Museum? Wo liegt das Kaufhaus? In welcher Stra§e liegt das Rathaus? etc.
11:30 Go over reverse side of homework worksheet (B - room description) explain any problems?
11:35 New Worksheets: "Wechselpräpositionen " go over first page and read explanations do first section together (at least partially)
get vocabulary for picture on second page: das Geb...udefliegen das Pferddie Leiter das Flugzeugsteigen
11:45 Use room pictures on pp. 73-74 have them write a description (~6 sentences) of one of the rooms, and the other students will guess which one is being described
Hausaufgaben : WB: S. 109-111, Übung 2-4 Lab: S. 104-105, Übung 3-5 Text: read S. 186-188, do Übung 7 + 8 finish prepositions worksheet 27. November -- Mittwoch
(Note: this was the day before Thanksgiving, so I planned a "fun" lesson. Unfortunately, I had extremely poor attendance, but I still think the students who were there got a lot out of it.)
11:00 Commercials on TV Talk a little about German TV first, explain the system, and talk about how different it is from things here.
Then show the first few commercials, using the attached worksheet ot ask questions about each one.
(These are the commercials from McGraw-Hill that came as a companion to the book. Jenny Sell was kind enough to let us know of their existence.)
11:30 Die Prinzen: "Was soll ich ihr schenken?"
Play song, and have them fill in the blanks left out.
Then have them read through the completed text out loud, and make sure the meaning is clear.
Then play the song again, and talk about it: do they like it? etc.
11:40 Die Beatles: "Komm, gib mir deine Hand"
Play song (no blanks). Do they hear the accents ? On what words, what sounds?
Spend a few minutes talking about other German music they might know, etc. 2. Dezember -- Montag
11:00 Discussion : Wie war dein Wochenende? Warst du hier, oder warst du zu Hause? Was hast du gegessen? Getrunken? (help with past tense, focus is food items) Warst du im Restaurant übers Wochenende? Wie war es?
11:05 warm up -- drill restaurant vocabulary :
das Messer} das Glas on board: der Lffel } = das Besteck die Gabel} die Serviette
How would one say: the menu? Can I have the menu, please? to order? May I order, please? to recommend? What do you recommend? to try? Try this wine.
S. 178 Im Restaurant -- mini-dialogues have them match up pictures with the dialogues -- do together as a class then act out the dialogues in pairs and make sure the vocab is clear.
11:10 S. 179, Akt. 7 Play tape one time, give them time to fill in the information Then go over together
11:15 S. 180, Akt. 8 Have 1/3 of the class get up, walk around and try to find a place to sit with the other 2/3 of the class (who should form small groups). Practice "Ist hier noch frei?" and the various responses. Then repeat to allow the rest of the class to get up and move around as well.
11:20 S. 180, Akt. 9 Play tape twice, allow them to fill in what was ordered in between. Go over -- some of these are hard, so ask if anyone got all the answers.
11:25 Finish Rollenspiel activity from Tuesday (see attached) have them work in groups of 3-4, and each act out a role. Help out with vocab and phrasing if necessary, but it's mostly review of modals, so they shouldn't need much.
11:35 MODALS IN THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE, p. 190 read through and go over information emphasize especially knnen, mƒssen, and wollen also explain the meanings, since they're a little tricky in the past tense Ich konnte einen Parkplatz finden = I was able to find one.
go over Homework : S. 191, Akt. 13
11:40 S. 191, Akt. 14 go around class and have them each make 5 sentences -- at least one of them should NOT use the suggested phrases in the book.
11:45 S. 191 Übung 15: Hin und her They're used to these by now, so just walk around and make sure they're doing okay.
11:50 Collect HW
Hausaufgaben : WB: S. 105-107, Akt. 5-6 S. 112-114, Übung 5-7 Lab: S. 101, Akt. 5-7 S. 105, Übung 5 study vocabulary 4. Dezember -- Mittwoch
11:00 Take Roll Announcements: No office hours today, okay? Instead I'll be there tomorrow.
ORAL EXAMS : talk about what will the format and requirements will be: - a restaurant skit - with members of other sections (Tina's and Kristin's) who you don't know - we'll assign one person to be the waiter, the other 2 are customers - you'll need to come in, find a table, get the menu, talk about the menu (e.g. get recommendations or discuss the items), order, complain and/or complement things, get the bill, and pay.
pass around sign-up sheet
11:05 Brainstorm Restaurant Vocabulary
Completely up to them: ask for suggestions on how to say things in a restaurant.
Write any difficult phrases up on the board.
11:10 Restaurant Role Play
in groups of 3-4, with silverware and menus (see attached menu) one student in each group as the waiter. give them a little time to talk about it
then have them act it out in front of the class, while the other groups listen.
afterwards, solicit commentary from the other groups as to errors, suggestions, etc.
11:35 Go over Homework: Worksheet part III, then collect
They should know this already, we've been doing it for quite some time.
Do side 1 of worksheet in pairs, then have them read aloud.
Side 2 of worksheet together, try to come up with varied setences for the picture.
11:50 Explain homework, pass out "Noch Mehr" worksheet
Hausaufgaben : WB/Lab: due tomorrow Worksheet: "Noch Mehr" write a paragraph (~40 words) describing your room at home, where things are, etc. 10. Dezember -- Dienstag
11:00 Collect Homework
Reminders about ORAL EXAMS tomorrow and Thursday
Regular verb endings on the board (solicit from class):
-e -en -(e)st -(e)t -(e)t -en
Then have them conjugate a few verbs: kaufen lernen spielen reden sagen probieren brauchen stellen hängen
11:05 STEM-CHANGING VERBS do worksheet together
11:10 SEIN, HABEN, WERDEN , and MODALS do worksheet together (only do first 4-5 in each section, they do the rest for homework)
make sure to write WERDEN conjugation on the board
werde werden wirst werdet wird werden
11:20 SEPARABLE-PREFIX VERBS do worksheet together (only first few in each section)
11:27 IMPERATIVES do worksheet together (only first few in each section)
11:35 Imperative activity: quarter-sheet exercises go through this together stress the importance of the "Situationen" section
11:45 WISSEN und KENNEN go over worksheet with explanation then do the first few together
11:49 mention DATIVE VERBS
Hausaufgaben : finish verb worksheets
Written and © Nancy Thuleen in 1996 for German 720 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
If needed, cite using something like the following: Thuleen, Nancy. "Selected Lesson Plans for First-Semester German." Website Article. 17 December 1996. <http://www.nthuleen.com/papers/720plans.html>.